Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ponderings of an Uncle

Protector and lover, 
Ideal older brother, 
Energy never done:
Garrulous fun,
Madigan the Mighty.

The Hobbit-child, 
Observes the wild.
From perch on the couch, 
In studious slouch: 
Reflective Paugie.

Chewing the shirt, 
Gaze divert. 
Walk for a mile.
Happy, sideways smile: 
Steady Jevy. 

Little heart shmelter, 
Loving and sweet. 
Steady on the feet: 
Constant Kelty.

These poems were written by beloved Uncle Crease, upon observing this band of brothers over the weekend. His observations are keen and accurate and reflect his devotion to loving each of these little critters. We love you, Uncle Crease! 

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