Tuesday, February 18, 2025

New Baby


We have a new baby in the house. This kid is incredible in every possible way. Kelton has been praying for a dog to call his own for over 3 years, but we just could not bring ourselves to be a "5 dog family". UGH! Then, suddenly it just all happened. 

It has become increasingly obvious that Kelton needs the responsibility of his own dog. We decided, as a family, "what's one more?" :-) Then, literally that same day a rescue contacted us because they had a puppy that was being fostered locally (right around the corner from our house) and they wanted to know if we'd like to meet him as a potential adoption option. 

We brought our "alpha dog", Aberdeen to the initial meeting and it was love at first sight. She totally approved and this puppy instantly connected with Kelton. 

Kelton named him "Togo" after the unsung hero sled dog who helped save the children in Nome, Alaska by bringing serum over 200 miles in 1925. We call him "Togie Bear". 

He is laid back, kind, smart, and has the the happiest heart. I think Aberdeen (the merriest heart) approved instantly because she realized this puppy was an absolute delight. The other dogs rarely have to discipline him. He gravitates toward Kelton and is snuggling with him all the time. He plays hard, hikes hard, sleeps hard and loves hard. He has too much skin, wrinkly eyebrows, a soft golden coat and bright brown eyes. 

He runs towards the front door when he hears my car keys jingle because he already knows it means he probably gets to go, along with the big dogs. We take him into town with us and if he can't go into the stores, he just waits in the car with Aberdeen and Bumpy, taking all his cues from them. 

I love having the well-trained adult dogs to help train him; it makes our job exponentially easier. While on a hike, the dogs saw a herd of deer and though he was too short to see them, he sure smelled them! I called Aberdeen, Bumpy and Paisley back, and Togie Bear followed their lead. We've been using treats to teach him recall, and he comes every time he is called. He also knows "sit" and we are working on "stay". Kelton is starting his official obedience training as part of his school curriculum. 

Kelton and his heart dog. 💚

Monday, February 17, 2025

Ancient pictures and hope in my heart

As I drove home after a long fruitless errand run, following a(nother) long fruitless night of sleep, I felt weary and frustrated. I looked up and saw the snow-covered peaks in front of me - my exasperation was replaced with gratitude.

The morning that I hunted to find a vet to come help me with my beloved Devany, I sat making dozens of phone calls and I felt incredibly upset as I hit brick wall after brick wall. Helplessness feels like my worst enemy. Bitty Boo (Bumpy) leaned over the end table next to my chair, standing on her hind feet and put her paw on my arm. She sat like this for over 15 minutes. She knew exactly what I needed. She is incredibly special. 

Krista was able to come out for a short visit and we spent some time showing her some of our most recent discoveries on a long hike. A few weeks back I found this "tree house" made out of rocks, branches and solidified mud built around a large oak tree deep in the woods. It's a bizarre masterpiece - creepy and cool. I think it would actually offer substantial protection from the elements. There were no recent footprints in the snow outside of it, so we ventured to look at it in detail. 

It even had a chimney with smoke residue. I'm sure the fire built in an oak tree house isn't a risk. Right??? 

This is the front door.

I showed her the recent pit houses I found a the base of Mt. Elden. There are about 6 in a row in pretty remarkable condition. The native people sure did know how to find a view! 

And we watered the dogs at the frozen spring. 

Today, we re-discovered some old friends - pictographs on the cliff walls in a remote canyon north of Flagstaff. I found a few new ones I hadn't noticed before. I always feel the presence of those who have gone before as the residue of their lives is preserved on the walls of the wilds. They may have been here 1000 years before, but they are not forgotten. 

Devany is slowly improving from her infection. Wynn is beautifully and miraculously improving from her bone infection. Kelton is also improving from his strep throat. Our almost-around-the-clock doctoring does seem to be working. The sleeplessness of this season (also due, in part, to Lochlan's nocturnal hours) has felt like nothing short of torture and I will be glad to welcome a new season. In an odd way, the constant fatigue feels isolating. I don't have stamina for socialization or really for anything outside of "intentional survival". I think I would be ready for one portion of Navy Seal training - the part where they don't sleep. :-) So, there's that! 

Psalm 121:1-2
I life up my eyes to the mountains -- 
Where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the Lord, 
The Maker of heaven and earth. 


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Devany Fair


Sometimes, there is a deep pain that I can't put into words. I think it's rooted in sorrow, but I'm not sure. Today, I woke up to find Devany incredibly sick. She has been fighting a cold for more than a week, and yesterday, I felt like we were getting ahead of it. This morning her temp had spiked, she was covered in phlegm from her nose, her eyes were dull and leaking fluid and her cough was awful. She wasn't eating and she was lethargic. I tried to find a local vet to see her on short-notice and no one was available. 

I found it hard to face Devany's prognosis today. After many months of fighting to keep Wynn alive, after losing Fancy so recently, I felt helplessness and fear for what I cannot seem to change or alter. I prayed, and cried, and I still felt absolutely exasperated. Devany has been the strongest horse I've ever known or owned. She is big, beautiful, powerful and so healthy. She has never been lame or sick and I remember the night she was born, I couldn't believe how strong she seemed even as a newborn. She is naughty and wonderful. If a horse can have passion, this is the one who has it all.  So, today, I inwardly collapsed from the fear of what I cannot ultimately change. If she is healed, it will not be because I am able to wish that healing upon her.

After a few hours of making phone calls and begging, I finally found a vet who was willing on her day off to come see Devany. She was able to administer broad spectrum IV antibiotics and she left me with doses to continue giving her for the next week. We took samples to culture and see what she is up against. At this point, it's very likely bacterial, though it may have started out as a virus. She has to be under strict monitoring for the next several days, and our biggest challenge is to make sure she stays warm, dry and hydrated; all of which are challenges with the current winter snow storm that is upon us. This storm shall pass, and I believe this horse has the strength to get through it. 

So, I've, again, faced some ugly truths within myself: I STILL think I have control over some parts of my life. I STILL think that if I just fight hard enough... 
I am in control of nothing. I hold on tightly to the ones that I love, as if they are mine to keep. 

Life is a gift. The life of this horse is a gift. To love her is a treasure but I am not entitled to it.