Monday, October 24, 2016

Thank you for the fleas

I recently re-read a book called "A Prisoner, and yet", by Corrie Ten Boom (I highly recommend it). At one point in the story when she and her sister, Betsy, are imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, their barracks are overrun with fleas. Her sister reminds her to "thank God for the fleas" - a notion Corrie initially finds justifiably impossible to do. Be thankful for fleas? Some time later Corrie realizes the guards do not enter their barracks or disrupt their gatherings with the other women because the guards wish to avoid the fleas that Betsy had thanked God for. It was an inspirational discovery for Corrie and her account has left a lasting mark on my perspective in life. Throughout each day as I am plagued with trials both small and insurmountable, I am trying to remember to be "thankful for the fleas". It's having the eyes to see that everything that happens - both good and bad - has profound meaning. It is part of something larger that is leading me/us toward something better (Rom 8:28). As Viktor Frankl said, "In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning..."

After a grueling 2 hour trial-by-fire with all four of my very docile children in the doctor's office, I traipsed about the (rather large) north Scottsdale for an additional 2 hours trying to find a pharmacy that had the medication I really rather desperately needed to procure by this point. Four pharmacies later, Walmart offered me hope and I rallied the entire weary bunch for one more visit to one more pharmacy. As we exited the vehicle, wailing ensuing from 2 out of 4 of the smaller humans, #3 proceeded to grab my snap button shirt and pull it open - completely open. With the assistance of one large gust of wind, I was in seconds topless, mortified and humiliated before every human in the Walmart parking lot, which seemed to be quite a few in that moment. I quickly re-positioned and re-buttoned my shirt after safely depositing the howling culprit into the basket and tried to decide whether to curse, cry or do both. I was instantly reminded that I chose to give birth to these four miracles of creation because I wanted to be their mommy. I was reminded to be "thankful for the fleas" as I also bask in the joy and delight of the life I have been given. Being "Mommy" is tough sometimes - okay, insanely brutal - but it is even more full of wonder and the greatest gift I have been given.

Oh you do I enjoy!

I would say it's safe to suggest that a few things have fallen through the cracks recently, but one thing that did not escape my notice was that our beautiful Jevy Bug swaggered into his fourth year with his lovable smile and bright blue eyes.

In the morning light
I hear you sigh
Asleep with the confidence that all is right
And another day draws nigh

Worry is not yours to entertain
Fear you do not know
Hope you ever sustain
With endless anticipation you grow

Disappointment is true
And tantrums are real
When your plans turn blue
And sadness you feel

My creator of delight
I love you friend, my boy
To hold you makes everything right
Oh you do I enjoy! 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

We Moved

As the weeks flitter away, I keep waiting to see if this blog will write itself, but alas. Since this is so much a record for my boys to follow in years to come, I am frustrated about what will not be included in this and coming blogs (i.e. events, sweet nothings, magical moments that have been lived and passed us by in these past weeks). I must, however, resign myself to what I can and will here forward.

This season (these past many months) has been one of challenges and changes. We watched potential job offers fall through in bountiful numbers and in the strangest ways, we said goodbye to our Valiant puppi, we said goodbye to Mr. Darcy, we sold our house, packing up all our belongings into boxes to store in the Gregory's garage (they are saints!), we said goodbye to Nashville and all those we love there, we loaded the horse, the dog and 4 strapping young men and drove to Arizona to temporarily reside in Mom and Dad's Flagstaff cabin (thanks to the incredible generosity of my parents who are truly showing us that love knows no bounds). Upon arriving, it became quickly apparent that Devany was not built to be a solo horse, so I re-loaded my faithful equine and headed for Texas where I left Devany to spend the remainder of our "homelessness" at Krista's barn (the boundless love of a sister...). George has remained in Nashville for the remainder of his employment (until the end of October), so our family has been separated from Daddy for way too long - the days are eeeeeeeeking by as we await our family's reunion.

So, as a conclusion to this brief, albeit overwhelming, summary, I will be including *Flag in the title of each blog written during this season, just to help my readers and my boys (in the future, should they read this history for themselves) make sense out of what often appears to be chaos.

If you would like our new address, please let me know!