Saturday, December 09, 2006

Pretty in Pink

Val - 9.5 weeks old

Friday, December 08, 2006

Profile of a Princess

Baby Fascination

All babies are fascinated by babies. Last night we had some friends come by with their little ones. Val was enthralled with the babies' things! "Mommy, I think I need a pretty carseat like this one."
It is amazing how much she is growing! She has officially outgrown her first jacket (a plaid coat from one of my stuffed animals). She's learned "sit" and is learning "come" (I think all Scotties remain in a permanent state of 'learning come').

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Naughty or Nice?

FRC says: "Before you put Wal-Mart on your naughty list this Christmas, a recent corporate statement shows that the company is trying to make amends for its pro-homosexual actions. In a press release made public before the biggest shopping day of the year, Wal-Mart says it will "no longer make corporate contributions to support or oppose controversial issues unless they directly relate to their ability to serve their customers." To dispel the unrest over its political leanings, the statement went on to say, "Wal-Mart does not have a position on same-sex marriage, and we do not give preference to gay or lesbian suppliers." This was welcome news to Rev. Don Wildmon, president of the American Family Association (AFA), who has since cancelled AFA's post Thanksgiving boycott. Other groups, like Ohio's Citizens for Community Values (CCV) organization, are taking a "wait and see" approach. CCV President Phil Burress refuses to call off his group's boycott until Wal-Mart takes back its $25,000 donation to the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce or ends its membership next year. For a company that has suffered a loss of profits and credibility among consumers, only time will tell if Wal-Mart can win back its base. It will take high standards, not just low prices, to persuade America's families."
AFA Action Alert

Monday, November 27, 2006

Photos of Princess Valiant

After being around our new puppy for about 12 hours, we discovered that she's utterly fearless (typical Scottie). We decided to find synonymous words to fearless, and named her Princess Valiant (Val). It's been amazing to watch her a see how similar she is to our B-Bopper. She has several similar mannerisms and that same independent streak that was so prevalent in B-Bop. Incidentally, though, she also likes the lazer light (Madison's fairy), so Madison is thrilled!
Here are some recent photos of her.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


This is a photo of my friends' (Shannon and Deema) daughter, Nadia Zaichenko, who was born with Spina Bifida. She is a reminder to me of why we must work tirelessly in our effort to protect human life. This TimesOnline Article addresses the Church of England's statement that some sick babies should be allowed to die. Even the church is vulnerable to the corruption of this culture, which does not value life. Pray for the churches in America, that they will continue to stand boldly for life.

Fancy That

This morning, before work, I went by the stable to ride Fancy. We took a one hour stroll in the woods and afterwards I was refreshed and ready to take on another day.

The leaves have begun to fall off the trees, so the ground looks like gold and the sun was sparkling off the trees. The wind was blowing hard, so the trees were blowing against each other throughout the forest. At one point a small tree fell near the trail and gave us both a start! I don't know if it was the cool weather, the wind or the fact that we haven't been on the trail in a few days, but Fancy was enthusiastic and challenging to ride today. I love it when she's like that, because I can feel the energy just waiting to explode. She walks with a quicker step, ears pricked forward in anticipation and waits for me to tell her what's next. Riding Fancy is amazing, because she's so dependable and yet she's full of life and stamina. Every ride on her is one that I anticipate!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Meet Princess Valiant

We decided that our Jeep needed TWO black Scotties sitting in the backseat, again. We will soon be adding a new little member to our family. All of us have felt the huge void that was left by our B-Bopper, though it seems Madison has felt it the most. No one will be able to fill those paws in our lives, but we know that Val will help us all to recover and bring much joy and laughter.
We are excited about bringing her home on November 18th!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Why I blog.

Thank you for coming to my blog! In the thesaurus of my Bible, it says that consider means to observe and think. My title for this blog was inspired by the verses: "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds" Hebrews 12:23-24.