Saturday, June 08, 2013

Plane happy

We got a package from Gumbum in the mail yesterday, which included matching outfits for the boys. Madigan and Declan were SO EXCITED this morning when they found out they had MATCHING airplane shirts but they were practically beside themselves when they realized that Lochlan had one too!!! They proudly wore them to Starbucks to show their "friends".

These following photos tell a part of this story we call life, though they capture but a moment in a (precious) day; Paugie being independent (because he can), Bundle spontaneously grabbing onto his little brother and showering him with affection. These brothers love each other so much and continually convey it to one another in their own, unique ways. How blessed am I to share my days with these special men!

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kmac said...

Oh my word. They could not be any cuter.

Gwendolyn1946 said...

Way too much cuteness in one place!!! Oh mercy. Such dolls!

Virginia said...

Wow. Pauge is such a brown boy, with that shnauge face :) And those loving brothers! I love how Happytown has his hand on Bun's arm. So much sweetness, I'm becoming diabetic.

Lisa said...

brudders dubee lubbin!