Sunday, June 02, 2013

Lettuce, milk, nose picking and helping hands.

As I leaned over to pick up the 176th toy off the floor, I grumbled something about feeling like a maid. Then, in sadness, I realized that I won't always be able to pick up toys these little men strew about my house each day. They will grow into the amazing men they are destined to be, and I will crave these moments when my grumble is to pick up scattered toys from their innocent frolic of imagination, enthusiasm and curiosity. So, to the handsome little creatures I love so much, I will count it all joy to refresh your arena of creativity (this house) whenever I have the opportunities to do so.

"Those moments" from this day:
Paugie poured his fresh cup of milk generously onto his mattress once bedtime had commenced. An effective method for getting your sheets changed in a timely manner.
Paugie was very upset when I put him in bed and he was trying desperately to communicate his frustration to me. Unfortunately, I was distracted by my screaming Happytown (who had let a grumpy moment sneak into town). When I finally asked him to SHOW me, he pointed to the kitchen. I followed him in, opened the dishwasher (per his request) and he showed me a cup he thought was stuck (I guess he'd seen it earlier when he was helping me load the dishwasher). I assured him it was in the correct position, right where it should be, and he marched happily back to bed.
We heard the jangle of Sabina's dog food bucket, after the little cherubs should have been well on their way to sleepful bliss. I waltzed in to find a heap of dogfood piled on Madigan's pillow and a sheepish looking redhead munching away on the delights. Haven't looked online to see if this is common behavior... of course it is for a man raised by Scottish Terriers and one crazy white dog.
Happytown slept with his big bros last night. He was so excited and had trouble winding down, but with a little gentle coaxing from the rocking chair and maybe a few of Mommy's kisses, he settled down and let sleep overtake his excitement. A new chapter??? Maybe, but he wanted his bed in Mommy and Daddy's room tonight, so I guess we'll take this slow.

Garden pool #1 ~ squash, zucchini, herbs and melons
Garden pool #2 ~ lettuce, cucumbers, herbs
Pool garden #3 ~ Lettuce and swiss chard
A train of grandsons skyping with Gumbum and Gumpai
Madison would approve of this "comfy" use of her old bed.
That Pauge Face.
There it is: The Happytown Face.
Tiger loves his "Endy" so very much!
Brothers help in any way they can...
Like I said...

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Gary said...

You've become as good an author as you are a mom--documenting these moments will bring precious memories in the decades to come....

kmac said...

I absolutely love your blog.