My newly planted/growing garden
My growing boy who seems happy and brings so much joy into our lives
Finishing 5 out of 7 classes necessary to complete my paralegal certification - only 1 more month to go!
My horses' healthy coats and a baby horse on the way(?!)
And for Madigan's progress report we have:
3 month count: 16 lbs. 8 oz., 26.5 inches long = 95th percentile... what can we say, he's a tall boy!
He's learning his alphabet. He was collapsing in a fit of despair every time I put him in his carseat so I made some letters for him to look at whilst wasting away in the backseat. He loves them! We sing the alphabet song (which he hums along to) while I'm buckling him into the carseat, then he keeps staring at the letters and "talking" while we drive.
We sang songs on the way to the barn this morning (Amazing Grace, Jesus Loves me, Alphabet Song, It is Well, to name a few)- he mostly listened, but sometimes chimed in his own little hum.
He's standing on his own, as long as someone is there to balance him. He insists on standing!
He loves to hang upside down... so funny! Starts giggling when we swing him upside down.
And, he's doing "sit ups" in the carseat, pulling himself forward to grab his toes. He refuses to sit back and relax because a boy must always be working out, you know?
Oh, and did we mention that he's teething? What fun! Two teeffies trying to force their way out of those little gums. We're using the magic homeopathic teething tablets that Danielle recommended to soothe his red gums, and they are WONDERFUL!
only a McGary child would have the alphabet posted in the back of the car - at 3 months old.
The ABC's are great! Mom would have loved this. =)
What's next....Latin? You make me smile with love and laughter. It is almost excruciating to live so far away from so much preciousness.
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