I was eating my lunch on a bench under a large tree yesterday. It was a cool, misty day and I was marveling at how quiet and peaceful it was for a Tuesday afternoon when suddenly there was a great commotion in the tree overhead. I looked up to see a giant red-tailed hawk tormenting a squirrel. The incredible thing was that the squirrel, who was clearly being pursued as a lunch option for the hawk, had managed to hold onto his own lunch (a large shelled nut) in the race around the tree trunk. The hawk dove in and out of branches after the clever squirrel, but never managed to snag it. In the end it was the squirrel who got lunch.
...did you say "squiddle?"
i was just going to say that! lol.
My wife and I witnessed a similar battle today in our back yard, Hawk Vs Squirrel and we were lucky enough to capture it with our camera! Check out the photo's on our green blog;
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