Friday, January 17, 2025

16 hooves

I took Devany for a long walk. I needed time "alone" to think also to just be. It was freezing cold (literally) but it didn't matter. I stopped and let her graze in several places and it was mesmerizing to see the steam come off of her even though she wasn't sweating; it was merely the contrast between the warmth of her and the cold of the air. On the way home, I hopped on her bareback and her warmth kept me toasty until we arrived home. Devany is a wild creature in her own right, but in that I feel like she reflects me to some degree. I understand her deeply and she is an integral part of who I am. These times when I get to just be with her are precious to me. 

Summer Wynd (Wynn) has turned a pretty incredible corner. I wouldn't say she's totally out of the woods yet, as recurring infection is still a risk at this point, but she has made a remarkable recovery. One week ago I thought we were going to be putting her down when the vet arrived, but after taking x-rays we found hope - abscesses! We were rejoicing for those abscesses because they are treatable! Our hope is that we killed the larger infection around her coffin bone with the 14-day antibiotics and that the abscesses are a secondary issue. Once we were able to get the abscesses to erupt, her lameness dissipated. It was the first time in 7 weeks that she wasn't in excruciating hoof pain. We've been taking her for long walks to help push the infection out of her hoof and she is spicy! All her teenage antics are being expressed fully, but Madigan is a patient and firm teacher. He is starting her training back up and it is much needed! We love her so much and watching her so full of life is magical. 

Kelton has started training Shadowfax again, as well. I had taken over his training because Kelton was intimidated by Shadowfax who kept trying to be dominant and hence a danger. We sent him to a trainer for several weeks and she was able to help remind Shadow that he is not God's gift to the world, with the help of her geldings who put Shadow in his place time and again. Now, Shadow is such a good boy! He follows Kelton along the forest trails like a docile puppy. If he acts up, Kelton is on the ready and quick to react appropriately. I think Kelton is going to have a really nice horse someday. :-) 

And then there's Murdock and his boy. I could watch them together for hours. Murdock absolutely loves Declan and it's quite mutual. He is such a well trained pony and he is doing an excellent job training this boy/man in all the things. Declan takes him for long walks and is in the process of designing the cart he's going to build for Murdock. He got his harness, so now all he needs is the cart! 

Lochlan usually rides Devany on our daily walks and he loves it. I hold these days in my heart and treasure them. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The joys of horses and blessings from God in so many diverse ways! Hallelujah!!!!!🙏💗