You would think we'd get used to the snow, but every year that first-snow-storm thrill surprises us and gets us bouncing around in happiness. We're all strangely mesmerized by the wonder of it all.
Before the storm, I looked outside and spotted these two getting ready for the storm by cleaning out the horse pen. Two of the best men I know...
Welcome to Narnia...
Cousin Kaysee and Max.
Just chillin'
Cousin Kaysee snuggling with another man - but he is pretty irresistible.
"Him and Mini-him." :-)
Kaysee snuggling with her man.
After an epic soar down the hill mountain...
Just a dog and her mountain.
Three of my favorites...
Another one of my favorites...
The road home...
His snow gear. Obviously.
He's really, really handsome.
My Schnauge.
It's just that great. Sits in the snow for 2 hours and the tea is still hot when I get back to it. My adventure cup serves me well.
Behold - a great man.
My special spot where the magic of this place takes over my heart.
Keyhole Sink... winter is befalling you.
I love her beyond measure. Truly.
These two...
Ski lessons have begun...
So we wait while the older bros get their lessons...
Tiny and amazing. He started ski lessons the week after this week of waiting for his bros... and he's awesome, of course. :-)
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