Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wetter is better

Paugie has a passionate love of rain. He is boy wired after his mommy's own heart! If it's raining, he comes to grab my hand and waves for me to look outside. He says, "Rain, Rain!" If there is no eminent risk of thunder and lightning, I usually acquiesce, much to his delight. He is most thoroughly delighted when I join him to splash in the puddles, but he is quite content to just bask in the drops himself.

One of Kris' and my first dates at Bryan College was one evening when Kris asked me put my "rain gear" on and join him for a walk in the rain. I waltzed out the door in my rain coat and rain boots only to find a very wet boy/man in shorts, a t-shirt and flip flops: his idea of rain gear. He converted me to his understanding part way through our jont by hoisting me into a VERY large puddle, rendering my rain boots and rain coat utterly useless. Alas, our perspective of appropriate rain attire/activities appears to be genetic.


Gary said...

Oh, dear...aqua-man!

Virginia said...

Oh, how I miss my Paugeur already!

Gwendolyn1946 said...

Oh such a cutie!!! The pics are SO great and completely capture the essence of his delight. Bravo!

namsoor59 said...

Family traditions! Well written too. My first real date with Lynn was driving in a torrential rain around New Circle Road in Lexington, KY. We drove and talked for 2 hours, in the rain - loved it. She loved the water anyway she could get in it.