Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Celebrating 9 Years!

Today marks the nine year anniversary of our married lives together. What a marvelous life God has given us to live together. I look forward to the years ahead, living alongside my best friend, growing in love and understanding of one another. I love my "George"!


kmac said...

i love that the last photo is prophetic.

cheryl said...

congrats! :o)

Lisa said...

Krista, I was just thinking that! LOL. Great photos, Eryn. You two are as dashing a couple as ever. Cannot wait to see what it is to come...especially with Madigan on his way. Love you!

p&k said...

Wow. 9 years is not a short time. And Erin, I love that you're calling him "your George." :)

denisemayen said...

Congratulations! I'm missing you more than ever (with Contessa here) and can't wait to hear that Madigan has arrived safe and sound! I love you two and praise God for your marriage and the blessing it has been to so many!